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Critter Crawl with the Katy Prairie Conservancy

Cross Creek Ranch - Critter Crawl with the Katy Prairie Conservancy

August 09, 2011

The Katy Prairie Conservancy and homeowners explored and investigated the flora and fauna in the restored first section of Flewellen Creek Park during an Evening Critter Crawl event held in June. The evening's events included a presentation from Katy Prairie Conservancy naturalist and educator, Jaime Gonzales. Jaime spoke on the benefits of Cross Creek Ranch's natural landscaping efforts and restoration of Flewellen Creek as well heading up an educational critter hunt along Flewellen"s creek banks and trails. Dragon flies, bee balm, black eyed susans, turtles and grey cranes were some of the wildlife discovered during the evening event.

In case you missed the event, here are some facts on some of the wildlife and vegetation found at Cross Creek Ranch:

  • Cross Creek Ranch is smack-dab in the middle of one of the most wildlife-rich places in southeast Texas - the Flat Out Wonderful Katy Prairie.
  • Flewellen Creek Park and its ponds are natural habitats of several species of colorful dragonflies such as the common green darners, eastern pond hawks, blue dashers and Halloween pennants. They are also home to several species of damselflies including the blue-tipped dancer, familiar bluet and Rambur's forktail.
  • Cross Creek's extensive lake system, wetlands and Flewellen Creek are already home to several types of water birds and song birds. Among the birds that have been spotted are elegant cranes, egrets, wobbly sand pipers, and tree ducks.
  • The natural landscaping efforts of Cross Creek Ranch include a special wildflower seed mix, which was created to complement the Katy Prairie landscape and weather. The wildflower mix includes several butterfly attractants such as bee balm, black eyed susans and blazing star. Butterflies characteristic to the Texas prairie are the gulf fritillary, black swallowtail and the famous monarch butterfly.