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August Unplugged Adventures on the Katy Prairie

Cross Creek Ranch - August Unplugged Adventures on the Katy Prairie

July 19, 2011

Join Katy Prairie Conservancy for the August Unplugged Adventures, a program designed to get you and your family unplugged from the ordinary and plugged into the prairie with a series of fun, exclusive events on KPC's preserves.

The adventure begins Friday, August 12 at 8 pm. KPC will host Meteor Madness at our Matt Cook Memorial Wildlife Viewing Platform at Warren Lake beginning at 8 PM and continuing until morning. For this special, one-night-only event, KPC will have the platform open all night so you can glimpse the famous Perseid meteor shower in the wee hours of the morning. We'll have storytelling and s'mores promptly at 8 PM until the light of a nearly-full moon, but invite visitors to drop in at any time throughout the night and bring a sleeping bag or pad to stretch out on while staring up at the night sky. It's sure to be a magical evening!

When: Friday, August 12 beginning at 8 PM Where: Matt Cook Memorial Wildlife Viewing Platform at Warren Lake (note the road closure if coming from 290) Registration not required. Please call 713.523.6135 or email info@katyprairie.org for more information. Please note that the meteor shower won't be visible until the very early morning, around 3 or 4 AM.