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Cross Creek Ranch Wins the National 2009 Best In American Living Award

Cross Creek Ranch - Cross Creek Ranch Wins the National 2009 Best In American Living Award

April 02, 2010

Cross Creek Ranch has won the 2009 BALA Gold award for "Best Community Facility." Contest judges were impressed with Cross Creek Ranch's attention to detail such as the authentic East Texan design, high tech fitness and welcome center and amenities that supported the community and environmental awareness.

For 26 years running, Professional Builder and the NAHB Design Committee have teamed up to host the housing industry's most esteemed design competition: the Best in American Living Awards. BALA winners are judged on market success as well as design excellence, and therefore serve as the ultimate barometer for what Americans are looking for in homes of all sizes, types and price ranges.  For more information, please click here.

Gold Award for Best Community Facility 151 Units and Over

  • Project Name: Cross Creek Commons
  • Location: Fulshear, Texas
  • Designer/Architect: INsite Architecture, Inc., Cypress, Texas
  • Builder: Millis Development and Construction, Inc., Sugar Land, Texas
  • Developer: Trendmaker Development Company, Houston
  • Land Planner: Kerry R. Gilbert and Associates, Inc., Katy, Texas
  • Photographer: Payne Photography, Houston

Surrounded by hundreds of acres of green space, trails and lakes, Cross Creek Commons features a retro architectural style reminiscent of authentic east Texas ranch communities with their barns and grain silos. The 10,000-square-foot Welcome Center is warm and visually engaging with large-format graphic displays, video monitors and interactive touch-screens. Signage invites visitors to move through the space, starting with location and developer information and proceeding to displays on amenities and builders. Piercing the two-story space is the Observation Tower, where guests can ride the elevator to a lookout area with views of the community and the Houston skyline.