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Lamar CISD Special Olympics Seeking Volunteers

Cross Creek Ranch - Lamar CISD Special Olympics Seeking Volunteers

March 20, 2010

The Olympics are not over! The 2010 Lamar CISD Special Olympics Invitational will be April 24 in Traylor Stadium at Lamar High. Volunteers are needed for a variety of jobs, including athlete escort, cheering, helping with events and more. Lunch will be provided for all day volunteers.

"More than 300 Special Olympians from the Gulf Coast area came to Traylor Stadium to compete last year," said Tiffany Tomberlin, Lamar CISD's Adapted PE/Special Olympics Coordinator. "A lot of our volunteers make this an annual family event. It's a fun way to do something great for others."

Go to www.lcisd.org to download your volunteer application and contact Sandy Knight at sknight@lcisd.org or 832-223-0448 for more information.