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Cross Creek Ranch - "Step Into Scouting" on September 19th

August 21, 2009

A Membership Drive for the Cub Scouts/Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts will be held at La Centerra in the central courtyard, Heritage Square on September 19th from 4pm to 8pm.

This event will celebrate the fun that goes along with Scouting. Booths and demonstrations will highlight events that take place in Scouts including the Pinewood Derby, Rain Gutter Regatta, Order of the Arrow, America's Popcorn Sale, Girl Scout Cookie Sale, S.T.E.M. (science and math), Green Starlettes drill team, and the Take Note Choir as well as the skills and achievements that go with each level of Scouting.Scout leaders and Scouting representatives will be on hand to answer questions and provide registration information. Don't miss this great opportunity!Bring a non-perishable donation to benefit Katy Christian Ministries!