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Cross Creek Ranch - Cross Creek Ranch Schools Earn Exemplary Ratings by TEA

August 05, 2009

Seven Lakes High School and Woodcreek Elementary have earned the highest possible recognition in the 2009 Accountability Ratings released by the Texas Education Agency.  Both schools rated exemplary, the highest rating of the four assigned by the TEA.  Exemplary ratings were earned by only 25.8% of the Texas public schools in the report.

To earn exemplary ratings, the campus must have at least 90% of it's students meet the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) standard score on subjects such as Reading, English, Math Writing, Social Studies, and Science.  Both Seven Lakes High School and Woodcreek Junior High jumped from "recognized" in 2008 to "exemplary" in 2009. We are proud of the students and teachers who helped reach this standard.  For more on the education options at Cross Creek Ranch, click here.