![]() Cross Creek Ranch - Bike for Mike Memorial Ride for the Beautification of FulshearApril 15, 2009
On Saturday, May 2nd the City of Fulshear will hold its first annual Michael T. McCann Memorial Bike Ride named Bike for Mike. The ride will also include a Pedal Pusher Ride for small cyclists and their families. All proceeds fro this event will directly benefit the beautification of the city of Fulshear. Dr. Mike McCann passed away after a long, courageous battle with cancer in 2007. He will be remembered as a family man, veterinarian, avid cyclist, grape grower, friend and mentor. He also served as chairman of the Fulshear Planning Commission for many years. He was an ambassador and statesman who epitomized what Fulshear means to many, a friendly town in a beautiful region, that if we all work together will grow into a prosperous community that cherishes the simple, good things in life. One of his great joys was cycling through this beautiful area that he loved. The City of Fulshear is proud to be a member of the Keep Texas Beautiful campaign and annually selects a special project specifically for the beautification of the city. Keep Texas Beautiful has the largest environmental and community improvement network in the state with more than 350 Texas communities serving as Keep Texas Beautiful affiliates. All rides of Bike for Mike will include police escorts, support vehicles and escorts by Brazos Valley Gypsy Motorcycle club. Rest stops will be provided every 10 miles and will include drinks, food, and portable restrooms. First Aid is also available. All riders must wear helmets, and the use of radios and headphones are prohibited. Two separate events are planned: The Pedal Pusher Ride is a family event for children 12 and under and along with their parents. A safe and escorted 3-mile fun ride sponsored by Fulshear Creek Crossing will begin at 8:15 am at the Bar 0 Ranch/Union Chappel Vineyards at 1st Street and Wallis in Fulshear and proceed south on Main Street to FM 1093 and through the closed development of Fulshear Creek Crossing. David Weekley Homes will be hosting a rest stop at the half-way mark. Each child entering this ride will receive a ribbon in recognition of their commitment to "Keep Fulshear Beautiful." We encourage those particating to decorate their bikes, strollers, and wagons! Long cycling ride will be in three legs (23- 45- 70-miles). All riders will leave the Bar 0 Ranch/Union Chappel Vineyards at 1st Street and Wallis in Fulshear and proceed north on FM 359 to 11th Street in Brookshire. After a rest stop manned by Wallis County Aggies, the ride will continue south on FM 1489 to Simonton. A rest stop will be at the corner of FM 1489 and FM 1093. The 23-mile ride will turn right on FM 1093 to finish at the Bar 0 Ranch/Union Chappel Vineyards. The 45- and 70-mile ride will continue south on FM 1489 to Hwy 36 in Orchard. Turning right on Hwy. 36, a rest stop will be available before riders come into Wallis, where they will make a right on FM 1093 back to Simonton and on to Fulshear. In Fulshear the 45-mile riders will turn left on FM 359 to finish at the Bar 0 Ranch/Union Chappel Vineyards. The 70-mile ride will continue east on FM 1093 to FM 723. At Bellaire/Fulshear-Gaston Road and FM 723, Encore will be hosting a rest stop. Riders will make a right on FM 359, then a left onto Winner-Foster Road. This winding, hilly route will take riders to Bois d'Arc and another rest stop before turning left back on to FM 1093 to finish at the Bar 0 Ranch/Union Chappel Vineyards in Fulshear. After the ride, all riders will receive lunch hosted by Pepperoni's Pizza and drinks with music by Fred Rusk and the Zydeco Hi-Steppers. Join the fun on Saturday May 2nd! For more information, visit http://www.bikeformikefulshear.com. View the ride map here: http://www.mapmyride.com/ride/united-states/tx/fulshear/292123750254077527. Download Registration Form: http://www.fulsheartx.com/docs/Bike%20for%20Mike/BikeforMike%20Registration.pdf |