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Woodforest - Woodforest Community Offers Ample One-Story Variety

May 24, 2012

(Montgomery, TX – June 2012)                 Anaging baby boomer population, young parents finding it easier to chase littleones in homes without stairs or just the fact that floorplans have evolved farbeyond the 1950s ranch-style house — whatever the reason, one-story homedesigns are making a comeback, especially in Woodforest.



Builders in Woodforest offernearly 40 single-story designs in the community, responding to frequent requestsmade over the past several years.

“We’ve had many peoplevisit our one-story model, particularly from The Woodlands. They are thinkingabout downsizing from larger homes, but don’t want to sacrifice when it comesto distinctive architecture and amenities,” said Perry Homes’ Rick Kness. “Onthe strength of requests for one-story plans, we refined our initial list ofavailable designs. Now, 10 of the 14 plans we offer in Woodforest aresingle-story.”

A preference forone-story homes is a trend seen not only in Houston, but across the nation,with Las Vegas recently reporting an increase in popularity of one-storydesigns and the New York Times citinginterest in single-story homes among both baby boomers and young families.

The Houston Chronicle reported last year that multi-story homescomprised 57 percent of the nation’s supply of homes in 2006, but preferencefor two-story homes has declined since then, dropping to 53 percent nationallyin 2010.

Woodforest’s array ofone-story designs range from homes appealing to both first-time and move-upbuyers. From a plan offering nearly 1,500 square feet of living space to anexpansive single-story home with more than 3,800 square feet in the newSpyglass Park neighborhood bordering Woodforest Golf Club, there are designs tomeet every budget and lifestyle. Abundant structural options promise buyers theability to customize easily in line with their family needs.

“There’s so much tochoose from,” said Virgil Yoakum, general manager of Woodforest. “From familieswho want children’s bedrooms and play space on the main floor to empty nesterspreparing for the next phase of life, our buyers will find that we are tunedinto their needs.”

Residents are finding lotsto do in Woodforest, as well, from spending the morning at Woodforest Golf Clubto taking the grandkids to Lily Pad Spray Park for the afternoon. Several otherplay areas are open in Woodforest and a very special space just forWoodforest’s four-legged residents, Admiral Bark Park, opens this summer. DevonPlayfield, a three-acre park catering to baseball and soccer enthusiasts, alsoopens this summer and construction starts soon on Forest Island, a recreationcenterpiece for the community whose first phase, comprising tennis andbasketball courts and a children’s play area, opens this fall.

Those deciding to explorebeyond Woodforest won’t have to travel far. Market Street, The Woodlands Malland the Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion are just a few miles from Woodforestand boating on Lake Conroe is just six miles away.  Even closer are the grocery stores, drycleaners and home improvement stores that make living so easy, with Woodforestjust three miles from Westwood Village Center. Several major medical facilitiesalso are within easy reach.

“We like to say we’re ‘inthe center of it all,” Yoakum said.

Find out more aboutWoodforest, where home prices range from the $150,000s to more than $1 million,at www.woodforesttx.com. Also, follow us on Facebook, www.facebook.com/Woodforest, and Twitter, www.twitter.com/Woodforest_Dev.