Woodforest - Lake Conroe Fire Department to Break Ground in WoodforestJune 29, 2012
(Montgomery, Texas– June 29, 2012) Construction of the station, the fourth for the firedepartment, should take about eight months to complete. The facility will have twogarage bays, a kitchen, a workout facility and space to sleep up to eight firemen.It is being built on a 2-acre parcel deeded to the fire department by theJohnson Development Corp., developer of Woodforest. WHAT: Groundbreakingfor a new Lake Conroe Fire Department station in Woodforest. WHEN: 4p.m. Friday, July 6, 2012 WHERE: Officialswill meet at the site, located approximately 0.5 miles east of Fish CreekThoroughfare on Woodforest Parkway. ATTENDEES: ChiefLeonard Mikeska of the Lake Conroe Fire Department; Precinct 2 CommissionerCraig Doyal; Woodforest development general manager Virgil Yoakum; Gil Staley,chief executive officer of the South Montgomery County Woodlands EconomicDevelopment Partnership; Robert Marling, Michael Richmond and Ray Sanders ofWoodforest Bank; and local Chamber of Commerce members. EVENT DETAILS: Brief remarks will be given by Chief Leonard Mikeska of the LakeConroe Fire Department and Precinct 2 Commissioner Craig Doyal before the ceremonialground breaking. One to two fire trucks will be on-site and the public isinvited. ON-SITE CONTACT: Kristi Steward, 713-204-2980 (cell) |