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Woodforest - Lake Conroe Fire Department to Break Ground in Woodforest

June 29, 2012

(Montgomery, Texas– June 29, 2012)     
The Lake ConroeFire Department will break ground on a new fire station at 4 p.m., Friday, July6, in Woodforest.

Construction of the station, the fourth for the firedepartment, should take about eight months to complete. The facility will have twogarage bays, a kitchen, a workout facility and space to sleep up to eight firemen.It is being built on a 2-acre parcel deeded to the fire department by theJohnson Development Corp., developer of Woodforest.

WHAT:                Groundbreakingfor a new Lake Conroe Fire Department station in Woodforest.

WHEN:                4p.m. Friday, July 6, 2012

WHERE:             Officialswill meet at the site, located approximately 0.5 miles east of Fish CreekThoroughfare on Woodforest Parkway.


ATTENDEES:     ChiefLeonard Mikeska of the Lake Conroe Fire Department; Precinct 2 CommissionerCraig Doyal; Woodforest development general manager Virgil Yoakum; Gil Staley,chief executive officer of the South Montgomery County Woodlands EconomicDevelopment Partnership; Robert Marling, Michael Richmond and Ray Sanders ofWoodforest Bank; and local Chamber of Commerce members.

EVENT DETAILS:  Brief remarks will be given by Chief Leonard Mikeska of the LakeConroe Fire Department and Precinct 2 Commissioner Craig Doyal before the ceremonialground breaking. One to two fire trucks will be on-site and the public isinvited.


CONTACT:         Kristi Steward, 713-204-2980 (cell)