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Imperial - Sugar Land Heritage Museum: Do YOU have a donation for the Museum??

September 11, 2013


Sugar Land Heritage Museum:

Do YOU have a donation for  
the Museum??

In reference to the question above, my guess is that you DO have a donation, especially if you consider there are several categories of donations. 

Artifacts, a.k.a "stuff", that relate to Sugar Land, Fort Bend County or the state of Texas are the first type of donation you could make.  Even though our name says Sugar Land, SLHF is very interested in items that may pertain to any of these entities.  Artifacts can range from pens to pictures; from toys to tools; from flags to furniture.  Virtually any item that has a tie to Sugar Land, Fort Bend County, and in some cases, the state of Texas.  We have been gathering artifacts for the past 4+ years and we now have the ability to store most items in climate controlled areas.  Recently we received a number of items from two long-term residents of Sugar Land:  Mrs. Margie Rozelle on behalf of herself and her late husband, T. C. Rozelle, and Mrs. Margaret Phillips, on behalf of herself and her late husband, Rufus Phillips.  Both of these ladies contributed items that have been in their family for years.  We truly appreciate their donations.

If you don't have a lot of old stuff, perhaps you could make a cash or in-kind donation.  In-kind donations are easier than you might think.  For example, if you are a manager or business owner, you can donate your product  or service for a reduced price or for free.  Of course, SLHF accepts checks, major credit cards, and if you really insist, we even accept cash!  Regardless of your donation of artifacts, in-kind services or products, or money, your donation should be tax deductible because SLHF is a non-profit organization, recognized by the IRS.  If you have any questions regarding the deductibility of your donation, please see a qualified tax accountant or contact the IRS directly.

Last, but certainly not least, you can donate your time to SLHF.  We are happy to train you in a number of different volunteer positions.  We used trained volunteers every Saturday to help run our temporary museum.  Docents have more in-depth training and conduct the Heritage Hike through old Sugar Land on the second Saturday of each month.  As we grow, we will have many more opportunities for volunteers.

There is a very good possibility that you could make some kind of donation in support of the Sugar Land Heritage Foundation's goal of inspiring community pride by collecting, preserving, communicating and celebrating the history of Sugar Land, Texas.  THANKS in advance for your donation!! 
To find out more about SLHF, visit our website at www.slheritage.org