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Cross Creek Ranch receives restoration award

Cross Creek Ranch - Cross Creek Ranch receives restoration award

February 10, 2014


   Cross Creek Ranch has been recognized by the Houston-Galveston Area Council for the restoration of Flewellen Creek, which winds through 150 acres of the master-planned community in Fulshear.The project received the H-GAC’s Parks and Natural Areas restoration award. The creek’s restored sections cover 83 acres with more than 4,500 newly planted trees.

“We worked to convert a creek that had degraded into an agricultural ditch into an important recreational resource where wildlife can gather for families to enjoy,” Cross Creek Ranch General Manager Rob Bamford said in an announcement.

Since 2006, more than 30,000 trees have been planted in Cross Creek Ranch. The 3,200-acre community is west of Katy at FM1463 and FM 1093.A project of the Johnson Development Corp., Cross Creek Ranch was named one of the nation’s most active master-planned communities in 2013. For full story, click here.

Home sales in Cross Creek Ranch shot up to 509 sales in 2013, up from 301 in 2012, according to housing consulting firm RCLCO. Close to half of the 1,200 homes in the development are adjacent to native naturalized landscape, designated trails and parks, the developer said.

“It gives our residents the opportunity to be close to nature with significant amounts of open space that they seem to value,” said Doug Goff, chief operating officer of Johnson Development Corp.


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