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Crime rate in Sugar Land remains among lowest, says police

Imperial - Crime rate in Sugar Land remains among lowest, says police

March 06, 2014

Thefts and auto thefts are among crimes in Sugar Land that increased 3.6 percent last year while the city's five-year trend shows an overall decrease of more than 18.5 percent.

The results were included in the Sugar Land Police Department's 2013 Annual Report.

Part 1 crimes include assault, auto theft, burglary, homicide, theft, robbery and auto burglary. They totaled 1,710 in 2013 compared to 1,969 in 2009 and 1,648 in 2012.

Sugar Land Police Chief Doug Brinkley credits a strong police presence, community partnerships and a commitment to technology for Sugar Land's low crime rate.

"Despite these strong results, we still have some work to do in areas where we saw increases," said Brinkley. "Much of our focus in this area will target education, as many of these property crimes are preventable."

The most recent Part 1 data shows Sugar Land's overall crime rate is 40 percent below the state and national averages. The city's violent crime rate compares even better at more than 205 percent below the state and national averages.

Sugar Land's violent crime rate dropped 9.4 percent last year and has declined more than 16.6 percent since 2009.

Non-violent property crimes, mostly vehicle burglaries and shoplifting thefts, are largely responsible for last year's increase in Part 1 crimes. These crimes increased 4.7 percent, though the city's five-year trend shows an overall decrease of 18.3 percent.

The largest increase last year was vehicle burglaries at 30 percent.

Priorities during 2014 will include:

education targeted to businesses and residents to reduce vehicle burglaries;

expansion of a special impact team that addresses trends such as burglaries; and

implementation of a crime prevention camera system.

"We are committed to providing exceptional public safety services and taking a leadership role in building community partnerships," said Brinkley. "It's important for us to stay connected to the community, which enables us to work together to create a safe environment to live and work."

The crime data recently contributed to Sugar Land's selection by CQ Press as the third safest city in Texas and the 19th safest city in the nation, a distinction based on an analysis of FBI crime statistics.

Statistics show that Sugar Land had one homicide in 2013 and two in 2011, with none reported in 2009-10 and 2012.

Sexual assaults peaked at 10 in 2010, totaled 5 in 2009 and 2011 and remained at 4 in both 2012 and 2013.

Robberies show a downward trend from 62 in 2009 to 35 in 2013.

Aggravated assaults totaled 57 in 2013, which is less than 2010 (75) and 2012 (66) but more than in 2009 (43) and 2011 when they totaled 52.

The total of 256 burglaries in 2013 is less than in 2009 (271)and 2012 (289) but more than 2010 (234) and 2011 (220).

Thefts and auto thefts increased in 2013 compared with the prior year but are less than those reported in 2009.

In 2013, the department had 1,311 reported thefts. That compares to 1,510 in 2009 and 1,217 in 2012. Totals for 2010 and 2011, respectively, are 1,553 and 1,176

Auto thefts totaled 46 in 2013 compared with 78 in 2009 and 35 in 2012. In 2010 and 2011, auto thefts totaled 87 and 33, respectively.




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