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State  recognizes Sugar Land for expanded recycling program

Imperial - State recognizes Sugar Land for expanded recycling program

March 12, 2014

The Texas Public Works Association (TPWA) awarded Sugar Land an Operations Excellence Award for increased recycling efforts during 2013 that reduced garbage sent to landfills by 34 percent.

Sugar Land’s diversion rate -- the amount of material kept out of landfills -- has increased each year since the City launched an expanded solid waste program in 2011 that included automated curbside collection and expanded recycling. The City’s goal for 2014 is to achieve a 40 percent diversion rate.

Sugar Land’s curbside recycling program now includes all colors of glass bottles and jars. The green waste program ensures all green waste -- grass clippings, leaves, brush, tree limbs, etc. -- will be recycled rather than sent to a landfill.

Residents currently receive automated recycling collection once per week utilizing a city-issued recycling cart. Green waste collection is also provided weekly. Green waste materials such as grass clippings and leaves should be placed in a reusable container or tied bags; compostable bags are not required.

Sugar Land recently began offering curbside collection of household hazardous waste and electronics (i.e, acceptable items include paint, cleaners and pool chemicals, televisions, computer monitors, aerosols and other items) at no additional cost on an on-call basis. Residents should call Republic Services at (713) 726-7307 to describe the quantity and type of materials for disposal. Republic Services will then mail a special collection kit with detailed instructions on how to package items for safe and secure curbside pickup.


Click here for the original article.