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Fort Bend ISD Recognized Nationally for Music Education Efforts

Cross Creek Ranch - Fort Bend ISD Recognized Nationally for Music Education Efforts

May 07, 2014

Fort Bend ISD Recognized Nationally for Music Education Efforts

For fifth consecutive year, FBISD ranks among nation’s top communities for support of music education

   FORT BEND ISD - The NAMM Foundation again recognized Fort Bend ISD for its outstanding commitment to music education with a Best Communities for Music Education (BCME) designation. FBISD joins 376 districts across the country to receive the prestigious distinction in 2014. This is the fifth consecutive year that FBISD has received this honor.

   In its 15th year, Best Communities for Music Education affirms school districts that have demonstrated exceptional efforts toward maintaining music education as part of the schools’ core curriculum.

   The BCME survey requires districts to answer detailed questions about funding, graduation requirements, music class participation, instruction time, facilities, support for the music program and community music-making programs.  Responses were verified with school officials and reviewed by The Institute for Educational Research and Public Service of Lawrence, Kansas, an affiliate of the University of Kansas.

   “In Fort Bend ISD, music education is an integral part of equipping students with the 21st Century skills of creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration, which are essential for future success,” said FBISD Director of Fine Arts James Drew.  “Receiving the Best Communities for Music Education designation for the fifth consecutive year confirms the quality of our District’s music education programs, and supports the FBISD Fine Arts Department mission of instilling a life-long appreciation for music in all students.”

   As Fort Bend ISD finalizes its 2014–2015 budgets, the announcement of this year’s Best Communities for Music Education designation brings attention to the importance of keeping music education part of school’s core education and music’s vital role in student success in school.

   The Best Communities for Music Education program plays an important part of the NAMM Foundation’s efforts to make music education part of the core curriculum assuring that the benefits of music making are available to every child. Numerous studies have demonstrated that learning to play music can boost academic and social skills, lower disciplinary action and keep kids in schools.


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