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EVENT RECAP: Spring Nature Expo

Cross Creek Ranch - EVENT RECAP: Spring Nature Expo

May 13, 2014

Rattle snakes, eagles, and possum… OH MY! On May 7th, residents were invited into the Community Room to explore the beauty of their environment at the Nature Expo.

Nearly 400 guests joined in the hands-on event to learn about the home that they share with so many crazy critters!

   Attendees of all ages were encouraged to walk through and meet the 12 nature experts that shared their specialized knowledge of the native wildlife. Many of the vendors even encouraged the little ones to touch or hold the animals. The event included important exhibits on plants and the dangers of water pollution to teach the importance of keeping the environment safe. The fun continued at the animal-themed face painting.

Animals at the Nature Expo

Raptors: Hawk, Eagle, Owl and Falcon
Reptiles:  1 year old alligator, Louisiana milk snake, Western Diamondback Rattle Snake, Texas Coral Snake, Rat Snake, African Albino Snake
Butterflies & Caterpillars


   To remember the special visit, all the little ones receive a Nature Expo goodie bag, which included an animal mask, coloring book, stickers and more! There was also a raffle that of 21 different nature items amongst the attendees.

   The event concluded with a 30-minute presentation with the raptors outside for residents to learn more about the “birds of prey.” Big thanks to all of our vendors and attendees for making this event so awesome.

Click here for some great pictures from the event.