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Conroe ISD Continues To Shine

Harmony - Conroe ISD Continues To Shine

September 08, 2014

The A+ schools in the Conroe Independent School District, including those attended by Harmony families, continue to set the bar for academic success with SAT and ACT scores outpacing both state and national averages.

The 1,290 seniors from the Class of 2014 who took the ACT earned a composite average of 23.5, far surpassing the state and national averages of 20.9 and 21.0, respectively. Conroe ISD’s ACT average increased by 0.2 percentage points while the state remained unchanged and the national average increased by 0.1 points.

Conroe ISD also continues to earn accolades in the field of music arts as the National Association of Music Merchants Foundation presented the District with the Best Communities for Music Education Award for the third year in a row.