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Riverstone - Riverstone Seeks Vendors for Annual Holiday MarketOctober 02, 2014
Riverstone is now accepting vendor applications for its popular Holiday Market, set for 4-8 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 5. The annual shopping event will be staged at the 8,000-square-foot clubhouse at The Club at Riverstone, 18353 University Boulevard. Hundreds of people are expected to browse the dozens of participating vendors while enjoying live entertainment and signature cocktails. The event is open to the public. “This annual tradition is a great way to showcase unique gift items to a local crowd of discerning shoppers,” said Christen Johnson, marketing director for Riverstone. “Many area residents view the Holiday Market as the start of the yuletide season.” Vendor spaces are limited, and registration cost is $35. Email for an application or for more information.