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T-Shirt Sales to Raise Money for the Day Family

Cross Creek Ranch - T-Shirt Sales to Raise Money for the Day Family

April 01, 2015

Cross Creek Ranch is selling superhero T-shirts to help defray medical expenses for one of its youngest residents, Nolan Day, 2, who has been battling non-Hodgkin lymphoma since last year.

The T-shirts are $20 and can be purchased by visiting the Cross Creek Ranch Welcome Center, 6450 Cross Creek Bend Lane.

Nolan, son of Greg and Misty Day, was diagnosed last April when he was 22 months old. He is about halfway through his treatment plan, which now requires daily chemotherapy administered at home and visits to Texas Children’s Hospital every 10 days.

This isn’t the first community fundraiser for the Day family. A multi-family garage sale was held shortly after Nolan’s diagnosis, raising just over $4,100. In addition, a February blood drive was held in his honor in Cross Creek Ranch. Neighbors have been very supportive, as well, providing meals, gifts for Nolan and his brother, Carson, and helping in other ways.

“The support we have received has been humbling,” said Mom Misty. “I’m so grateful for everything everyone has done.”