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Cross Creek Ranch - Give a Pint, Save a Life at Cross Creek Ranch Blood Drive

January 07, 2016

The human body contains 10 pints of blood. Cross Creek Ranch invites area residents to share one at a winter blood drive on Saturday, Jan. 23.

The Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center will accept donations from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Cross Creek Ranch Community Center, 6450 Cross Creek Bend Lane. Donors will receive juice and cookies and be entered in a raffle to win a gift card.

Potential donors must be at least 17 years old and weigh at least 110 pounds. Those who are age 16 and weigh 122 pounds or more can donate with parental consent. The event is open to the public. Questions about eligibility and donating in general, may be answered by visiting http://ww4.giveblood.org/Media/Recruiter/Common-Qs-Donor-Eligibility.html

Those wishing to donate can register by visiting the Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center website at www.giveblood.org, clicking on Digital Donor and inputting sponsor code J937. Donors also may register by emailing Claire Perrott at ccrlifestyledirector@nfcamenity.com.