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Seven Lakes Junior High Rakes Up Accolades

Cross Creek Ranch - Seven Lakes Junior High Rakes Up Accolades

August 03, 2016

Seven Lakes Junior High, part of the Katy Independent School District, has accumulated an impressive collection of accolades — including being ranked the ninth best middle school in Texas.

Advocacy group Children at Risk recently ranked the school No. 9 in the state and No. 5 among Houston’s 303 middle schools included on its annual survey. Earlier this year, Seven Lakes Junior High was named a “School to Watch” by the National Forum to Accelerate Middle-Grades Reform, which recognizes schools that are academically excellent, developmentally responsive and socially equitable. Only eight schools in Texas received the designation this year.

Equally as remarkable is the performance of Seven Lakes Spartans on state-mandated STARR tests. Students earned distinctions in all seven categories named by the Texas Education Agency. Last year, only 153 high schools, middle schools and junior high schools in Texas were able to achieve the same feat.

Learn more about Seven Lakes Junior High and other schools serving Cross Creek Ranch here.