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March for Babies at Imperial

Imperial - March for Babies at Imperial

March 31, 2017

Join a team and take a walk to help the most vulnerable among us during the March for Babies, a March of Dimes fundraiser happening Saturday, April 29, at Constellation Field in Imperial.

The annual March for Babies is the March of Dimes largest fundraiser with proceeds going toward the prevention of premature births — the No. 1 cause of infant death in the United States.

Participants can walk in teams or as individuals to raise money, with the proceeds going to help local mothers have healthy, full-term babies.

The goal for this year’s Fort Bend march is $250,000. You can help by walking the 3.2-mile distance or simply making a donation. Cost to register before Feb. 28 is $50. Along with your registration, you can purchase commemorative items such as an event T-shirt, tumbler, tote bag and more.

Constellation Field is located at 1 Stadium Drive in Sugar Land. To join a team or make a donation,  click here.