Harmony - How Can You Help?August 31, 2017
Thousands of people in Houston and along the Gulf Coast have been displaced by Hurricane Harvey with tens of thousands seeking shelter. Many relief agencies are working around the clock to save lives and provide food and shelter for the men, women and children affected by the storm, but they need your help to sustain these efforts. As floodwaters recede, donations of food, necessities and other goods will become increasingly important. Here is a list of organizations and their anticipated needs: 1- 800-RED CROSS or text the word HARVEY to 90999 to make a $10 donation. The Red Cross is currently asking for monetary and blood donations. 1-800-725-2769 The Salvation Army is ready to provide physical, emotional and spiritual care to survivors and relief workers and will remain in impacted communities supporting long-term disaster recovery efforts and providing ongoing assistance to those in need. Text HARVEY to 80100 to donate $10 to the organization’s Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund. Funds will be used first for immediate needs of food, water and shelter, and then transition to long-term recovery efforts. The United Way of Greater Houston The organization has launched a relief fund, anticipating that the needs of Harvey will exceed their current disaster relief fund. You can specify which county you wish to donate funds for or send them where they will do the most good. Greater Houston Community Fund A broad-based relief fund established by Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner. The organization connects donors with a network of nonprofits and innovative solutions in the social sector. Carter BloodCare and the South Texas Blood & Tissue Center In addition to Red Cross efforts, Carter BloodCare and South Texas Blood & Tissue Center are accepting donations. Coalition for the Homeless of Houston/Harris County The coalition is coordinating the city’s response to homelessness to put displaced individuals in touch with groups that offer direct services. It has been providing updated information on shelters that have available beds. Food banks are currently requesting monetary donations instead of food, which will enable them to provide assistance where it is needed the most. Feeding Texas is a statewide charitable organization that works alongside state and federal relief efforts during major disasters. Based in San Antonio, the Texas Diaper Bank focuses works to meet the needs of babies, children with disabilities and seniors providing diapers and other goods. The SPCA of Texas is organizing pet evacuations and offering resources on pet-friendly housing for evacuees. The organization has specifically requested financial donations. There are many, many more organizations and agencies working to provide aid to the affected area. Before you give, be sure to do some basic research on the charity as many scams pop up during natural disasters. One place to start is Charity Navigator.