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Katy ISD Calls Bond Election

Cross Creek Ranch - Katy ISD Calls Bond Election

September 28, 2017

A brand new, on-site Katy ISD high school could join both Randolph Elementary and a second, unnamed elementary school within Cross Creek Ranch, if voters check yes on the Nov. 7 ballot.

The Katy ISD Board of Trustees voted unanimously to call a bond election for a $609.2 million package designed to meet a projected 8.3 percent increase in the student population by 2020.

Voting yes on the bond will help prepare every KISD student for an exceptional future, as the package includes enough money to build six new schools, including

$206.1 million for the new high school — the district’s ninth — and an attached competition-sized natatorium. Three new elementary and two new junior high schools also are proposed. If the 2017 bond package passes, the new high school could open as early as 2020.

The district will use 96 percent of the bond funds for the schools plus comprehensive renovations, replacement of certain aging school components, school expansions, technology upgrades and safety and security improvements.

Best of all, the district is not planning a tax increase to pay for the bond.

From Kindergarten to high school, young Cross Creek Ranch residents already attend acclaimed KISD schools, but an on-site high school would add convenience to an already strong educational experience. Students could walk or ride their bikes to school. Additional funds that keep our schools on the cutting edge of technology also will be a boon to our students as they prepare for 21st century careers.

It’s all possible if you vote yes in November.