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Have Fun and Run for Hutchison on Dec. 2!

Veranda - Have Fun and Run for Hutchison on Dec. 2!

October 25, 2017

You don’t need to be fleet of feet to help raise money for Hutchison Elementary School, just be ready to walk or run through Veranda on Dec. 2!

Registration is now open for the school’s biggest fundraiser of the year, the Johnson Development and Hutchison Elementary 5K Fun Run and Kids 1 Mile Race. Veranda is a project of Johnson Development Corp.

The race starts at 8 a.m. at Hutchison Elementary, 3602 Williams Way Blvd. Richmond, TX 77469, and travels through the streets of Veranda. Awards will be given to the top three male and female finishers in each age category for the 5K. The top three boys and girls in each grade level will be awarded trophies for the 1-mile race, and all participants will receive ribbons.

Registration forms can be printed out and returned with payment to the school. Participants that register early will receive a race t-shirt. We also will have a few Veranda goodies for the racers.

On race day, participants are encouraged to bring donations of canned food for Attack Poverty and warm clothes for LCISD Common Threads.

Don’t miss this opportunity to run through Veranda and walk through our model homes to see what our builders — Perry Homes, Highland Homes, Lennar Homes, Newmark Homes, Coventry Homes, David Weekly Homes, Sitterle Homes and Westin Homes — are up to and to support your local school!