As Seen In...
Grand Central Park - We're Speechless!November 16, 2017
Our first look at the all of the amenities built into 131 Amber Jade Court by Drees Custom Homes left us speechless! So did our second look. The beautiful beamed ceiling in the family room. The tantalizing wine bar. The oversized kitchen. And did you see that fantastic laundry room, with the built-in sink and miles of cupboards? It’s more than a dream home, it’s an experience to be savored from the time you wake up to the time you go to sleep in your luxurious master suite. More Highlights:
This stunning 2,976-square-foot home is priced from the $470,000s. Come take a tour, we know you will be struck speechless too! Once you get your voice back, ask for a tour of our gorgeous community. We have everything you need to live an active, fun-filled lifestyle including The Grandeur — nature trails and paved pathways that traverse our community.