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Donating? Here's What's Needed

Woodforest - Donating? Here's What's Needed

November 27, 2017

Something as small as a Hot Wheel car or as common as toilet paper can make a big difference this holiday season, and Woodforest is making it easy for you to help others by launching drives for two charities. 

From Dec. 8-10, donations of new, unwrapped toys can be dropped off at the Woodforest Homefinder Lodge, 101 Elk Trace Parkway, for the Toys for Tots program. Toys collected will go to local Montgomery County youth up to age 12.

Donations also can be made at the lodge to benefit women and children at the Montgomery County Women’s Center. Requests are being made for items to be used at the emergency shelter, which provides a safe and secure refuge for victims of domestic abuse. Needed items include:

Bottled water
Diapers - size 2
Baby nasal aspirators
Vinyl twin mattress protectors
Vinyl pillow protectors
Vinyl shower liners
Vinyl shower rings
Paper towels
Toilet paper
Clorox wipes
Unscented laundry detergent powder
AA-AAA-9V batteries
13-gallon tall kitchen trash bags
33-gallon black drawstring trash bags
Ironing boards
Lightweight, loose-fitting sweat/workout/ yoga pants (no Spandex)
T-shirts — plain — adults and children — all sizes and colors
New women’s underwear — all sizes (no thongs)
Sports bras — all sizes
4-cup coffee maker with pot
Clock radios