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Trinity Falls - How To Make School Morning Routines Easier

September 19, 2014

"Wake up!!" If this is a constant phrase you shout to your children before school, then read on! We're here to provide you with some tips on how to make your morning routine easier and less stressful. Your kids will thank you in the end.

  1. Prep the night before-The key to having a stress-free morning is eliminating any tasks that could have easily been completed the night before. Make sure your kids' backpacks are ready to go with all homework assignments and signed papers neatly organized inside and have your children pick out their outfits the night before. If you really want to save time, create a breakfast calendar for the week so you don't waste time deciding what to make in the morning. Many McKinney ISD schools also offer breakfast, so that could be an option for your children as well.
  2. Get up earlier than your children-If possible, wake up 30 minutes to an hour before your children so you are dressed and ready to tackle the morning routine with ease.
  3. Stagger wake-up times-If you have more than one child, consider waking each up at different times in order to increase morning efficiency. If one child struggles waking up more than the rest, have them get up first so they have more time to get moving and dressed.
  4. Establish an ‘important items' zone-Create a central location where important items go. This could be coats, cell phones, lunches, etc. That way, as you're walking out the door you can grab what you need all in one place.
  5. Attitude goes a long way-Remember, your attitude affects the way your children establish their morning routine. If you are always grumpy and complaining, they will pick up on it and continue the trend. Whether it takes going to bed earlier or waking up earlier to exercise, find ways to make your morning more pleasant so your kids will wake up to positive vibes. 

A few simple changes in your morning routine can really go a long way. Once you figure out the best practices for you and your children, your mornings will be happier and calmer. Utilizing McKinney ISD school breakfasts can also increase your morning efficiency. What are some morning routine tips you have found to be helpful? Let us know in the comments below!