Trinity Falls - Tips On Getting Rid Of Clutter In Your New McKinney HomeJanuary 09, 2015
We're in the midst of winter, so there's no better time to start de-cluttering your home! Start your spring-cleaning early this year so you can enjoy those gorgeous McKinney, TX spring days outdoors! We've compiled a list of simple ways to get rid of clutter in your new McKinney home. They are as follows: 1 Item A Day Giveaway This tip is pretty simple. Find one item each day that you can give away. Over the course of a year, you will have 365 less things you need to find a place for! It's an easy way to slowly start getting rid of unnecessary items in your home. 12-12-12 Challenge This challenge is fun because you can make it a competition amongst family members! Find 12 items to throw away, 12 to donate, and 12 to be returned to their proper home. Just like that 36 items are taken care of. 4 Box Method This may take a few hours, or even a few weeks. Here's how it works: Get 4 boxes and label them "trash", "give away", "keep", and "relocate." Go room by room, placing every item in one of those four boxes. Make sure nothing gets passed over. This is a great way to ensure everything is in its place. You're only a few hours away from a clean, organized home! We promise you'll notice the difference instantly. These tips will ensure that you keep your new McKinney, TX home looking top notch. |