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Trinity Falls - McKinney ISD Is Almost Out: Keeping Your Kids Motivated

May 13, 2015

Only a few weeks remain before McKinney ISD lets out for summer! While the kids may be excited to leave behind the academics for a few months, parents often worry that their children will lose the structure of the school day and become unmotivated. Here are a few tips on how to keep your kids fresh and ready for a new school year right here in your new McKinney home!

Create tasks: have you children complete different chores around the house and offer them a small incentive to do so. It could be taking them to see a movie, buying them a sweet treat, or taking them on an outing to McKinney Square.  Turn on motivating music while they complete their tasks so they stay focused. 

Ditch the video games: while video games can be good for coordination in small doses, try playing board games that foster creativity and involve problem solving. Games such a Scattergories, Gestures, or even Clue are great ways to get the family together and get those creative juices going.

Read books: getting your children to read in the summer can be a difficult task. What's great about summer is that they can read books that interest them instead of required reading material. You can also find ways to motivate them going on outings to the library and showing them how fun reading can be.

McKinney is a fun place to be during summer break, so keeping your kids focused and motivated requires a little creativity on your end. Once you find out what works well for your children, you'll be able to spark their creativity. Do you have any tricks and tips up your sleeve? Let us know on Facebook or Instagram!