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Trinity Falls - 4 Natural Ways To Alleviate Sunburn

July 17, 2015


Summertime is often spent outside swimming, playing sports, and simply hanging out. Unfortunately, the more you are outside, the greater chance you have of getting sunburnt. This is especially true in McKinney, Texas where the summers are extremely hot. Whether it's because you missed a hard-to-reach area or simply forgot to reapply, the effects can last days and leave you feeling uncomfortable. Luckily, there are plenty of natural ways you can find respite from the hot, itchy effects of overexposure to the sun.


Baking Soda Bath

Add a several tablespoons of baking soda to a cool bath and soak in it for 15-20 minutes. You will quickly feel the difference after you've let the baking soda penetrate your burnt skin. When you get out, make sure to avoid towel drying, as this could further irritate your skin.


Aloe Vera

This may be one of the more popular remedies for sunburns. Aloe Vera works by causing blood vessels to constrict, thus eliminating the stinging and redness associated with burnt skin. For straight-from-nature pure aloe, head to your local nursery or the floral section of the store and purchase the plant. Then, cut open a leaf and administer the gel onto the affected area for immediate relief.



It may seem counterintuitive to rub liquefied potato on your sunburn, but this remedy has proven to be extremely effective. Grab a potato or two, toss them in a blender or food processor until liquefied, and then gently place on the burn. After it dries, take a cool shower to feel the alleviating effects of these spuds.



The sun not only burns your skin, but also dehydrates it in the process. Therefore, it becomes very important to remain extremely hydrated when sunburnt. Drink plenty of water and other fluids to help your skin in its healing process.


Next time you are having fun in the sun, such as swimming in McKinney or playing outdoors at Trinity Falls B.B. Owen Park, be sure to apply sunscreen often. In the event that you do wind up burnt, be sure to keep these natural remedies in mind to find some relief from the discomfort of sunburn.