Trinity Falls - Fun Pool Games To Play At The ClubJuly 22, 2015
Summer in McKinney is sizzling, which makes it the perfect time to find the best pools in McKinney to cool off. Wherever you decide to go, these fun games will keep you and your children occupied all day long! 1. Sharks and Minnows There's a good chance you played this classic game when you were a child. Make sure you play the length of the pool instead of the width. Pick a shark to stand outside of the pool with their back facing the water. Then, have everyone else line up at one end of the pool. The point is for the swimmers in the pool to get to the other side without the shark noticing. If the shark hears the minnows swimming, they jump in the water and tag the minnow. The person who gets tagged then becomes the shark.
2. Marco Polo This is another swimming pool classic you can teach your children. Choose one person to be Polo. They must close their eyes the entire time. The rest of the swimmers are Marco. Polo yells "Marco" and all of the Marcos yell "Polo" in response. The point is for Polo to find and tag one of the Marcos without ever opening their eyes.
3. Treasure Hunt This is a simple game that will keep kids occupied for hours! Simply throw coins into the pool and have the kids go treasure hunting.
Hitting the pool is a summer time staple for many families in McKinney. It's fun passing down games that you played when you were a child to your own children. Next time you jump in, remember these fun games to keep your kids entertained all day.
Remember, The Club at Trinity Falls opened for the summer season with a beach-entry pool, splash pad for kids, grilling area, indoor-outdoor space and a covered pavilion – come check it out and see if you might like to make it your new home pool in McKinney as a resident of Trinity Falls! |