Trinity Falls - August Community Events at Trinity FallsJuly 31, 2015
It's time to announce the August events planned at Trinity Falls. Summer might almost over for McKinney students, but we are still having plenty of fun. There are only a few weeks left of summer, so lets make them count! Here is what we have planned over the next few weeks: Our live entertainment by the pool continues through the month of August with a pianist on the 8th and saxophonists on the 22nd. If you are in need of some live music in your life, you can find it right here at Trinity Falls! It's time for the kiddos to open up another book for our Children's Tell Tales Book Club! This month, we are reading "Lost Treasure of the Emerald Eye" by Geronimo Stilton. This is the perfect opportunity to encourage your children to get back in academic mode before school starts. Join us! We're watching Big Hero 6 in the pool and want you to join us. There's no better way to catch a flick than in the water. We can't wait to see you there! We can't let the kids have all the fun at Trinity Falls! Join us for our Bottle Neck Beer Tasting for craft beer and great discussion. This month's Tell Tales Book Club book of the month is "The Stranger" by Harlan Coben. For a brief synopsis, click here. Our August Dine Out event is at Blue Goose Cantina. Don't forget to RSVP to our Lifestyle Director, Heather, by the 21st! This is a wonderful opportunity to get out in McKinney and meet your new Trinity Falls neighbors.
There is a lot of fun to be had in August! As a reminder, these Trinity Falls events are open to the public, ARE ALL THE EVENTS PUBLIC? SOME OF THEM ARE JUST FOR RESIDENTS RIGHT?, so feel free to bring friends and family. We hope to see you at some or all of these events. |