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Trinity Falls - Snowy the Elf: Catch Me if You Can!

November 25, 2015

Happy Holidays, Trinity Falls!

Snowy The Elf here!

I've made a special trip all the way from the North Pole to McKinney, Texas just to pay a special visit to all of the kids and families of Trinity Falls in preparation for my favorite holiday!

Ok, ok, you caught me. Santa Claus himself has actually sent me on a mission to see who has really been naughty or nice this year.

So I figured why not have a little fun while I'm in the Great State of Texas?

That's right, starting on Black Friday and throughout the month of December, I will be attending different Trinity Falls events and visiting special locations in your beautiful community. As I roam around, I want to give you the chance to guess where I am!

I'm calling it Snowy The Elf: Catch Me If You Can!

Catchy, right? 

Here are the rules:

Starting Black Friday, November 27th, I will be posting a picture of myself at different places and events around Trinity Falls. Your job is to guess where I am! The first person to comment on the Facebook page with the correct Trinity Falls location wins a gift card to one of our local Downtown McKinney shops or restaurants designated for that day. (They're from Santa himself!)

That's it!

Pictures can be posted at any time throughout the day, so be sure to check our Trinity Falls Facebook page regularly.

I hear Trinity Falls is quite the active community with beautiful scenery and plenty of amazing amenities and I am excited to get started!

Be sure to attend the upcoming December Trinity Falls events and maybe you'll see me there, giving yourself a head start on the competition.

So….good luck Trinity Falls residents!

One last thing…