Trinity Falls - 6 Tips to Pet-Proof Your HomeJune 09, 2016
We love our four-legged friends, but sometimes they can be a handful. They get into things they shouldn't and end up making a huge mess or worse. Today, the master-planned community of Trinity Falls wants to share 6 tips to pet-proof your home so you can ensure that no matter what room in your house they may be, they'll be safe and so will your things. Close the DoorA majority of all pet accidents can be avoided by simply shutting the door to rooms you don't want them in. The biggest one to keep shut is the bathroom because the last thing you want is them getting into the items under the sink, or pulling all the toilet paper off the roll. Install Child-Proof Latches on CabinetsFor more open areas like the kitchen, install child-proof latches on the lower cabinets so your pets don't get into any of the harmful chemicals that you may have stored. Buy a Sturdy TrashcanGet a trashcan that can't be easily opened so they can't eat something that can cause them bodily harm, and so you don't have a mess of trash all over your kitchen floor. Don't Have Poisonous PlantsMake sure that all the plants in your home and backyard aren't poisonous to your pets. Here's a full list of toxic and non-toxic plants. Properly Store Chemicals in the GarageStoring harmful liquids like antifreeze, motor oil and gasoline in high places where dogs or kids can't reach is a must. Also, make sure to properly clean up any spills before letting your dog back in the garage. Crate Them While You're AwayWhen it comes down to it, it's better to be safe than sorry. You never know what they might get into while you're not at home. The modern home designs and open floor plans of the homes in Trinity Falls make them perfect for everyone in your family, including the four-legged members. Find the home that's ideal for your whole family in the master-planned community of Trinity Falls in McKinney, Texas. Image from Thinkstock by Getty Images. Item number: 503569779 |