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Trinity Falls - Downtown McKinney Promises Spellbinding Fun during Scare on the Square

October 27, 2016

With a location just minutes from historic downtown McKinney, residents of Trinity Falls will have plenty of time to enjoy annual Scare on the Square festivities before heading home for neighborhood trick-or-treating.

Hundreds pack the square each year for a howling good time, including a frighteningly good costume contest that awards the best dressed in seven categories: up to age 3, ages 4-7, ages 8-12, groups, Star Wars, pet and homemade/recycled costumes. The winner of each category then competes in a finale that awards first place $250, second place $150 and third place $100. Those interested in competing in the contest are advised to arrive early as only the first 20 registrants in each category are accepted.

In addition to the costume contest, vendors will be handing out candy and treats and Rockin with Rhett will be playing on the main stage from 4 to 5:30 p.m. 

Learn more at www.mckinneytexas.org/660/Scare-on-the-Square.

In addition to being near Downtown McKinney’s historic district, Trinity Falls also is minutes from retail and restaurants along Highway 380 and U.S. 75, as well as shopping at The Village at Fairview and Allen Premium Outlets. The Richardson Tech Corridor and Legacy Business Parkway along the Dallas North Tollway are both about 20 minutes away.