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Harmony - Mid-Year Report: Harmony Ranked as Nation's Fastest-Growing Top-Selling CommunityJuly 16, 2018
Harmony is the nation’s fastest-growing top-selling, master-planned community for the first half of 2018! According to a mid-year update by the highly respected real estate advisory firm RCLCO, Harmony’s year-over-year sales from January thru May 2018 were up a staggering 72 percent, more than any other top-selling community in the nation. Plus, our 234 new homes sales during that period placed the community at #30 on the RCLCO’s mid-year update among the nation’s top-50 selling communities. What makes Harmony such a great find? - Convenient location at the Grand Parkway and Rayford Road Come see for yourself why Harmony “Sound Like Home.” |