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What Do Super Baby Boomers Do in Bonterra?

Cross Creek Ranch - What Do Super Baby Boomers Do in Bonterra?

August 15, 2018

Ever wonder what our super baby boomers get up to in Bonterra? We did, so we checked it out and, frankly, we’re a little jealous.

Aside from their incredibly busy schedule of swimming in the lagoon-style pool, hanging out by the fire pit and relaxing at a spa appointment, our active adults know how to party.

Past events have included casino nights, the Blast from the Past, Madhatter Tea Parties and glamorous Hollywood-style soirees. This month, they are shedding their mild-mannered secret identities, donning capes and heading out for a Superhero-themed potluck party.

The August event takes place at the Gotham City Clubhouse (a secret hideout cleverly disguised as the Bonterra Clubhouse) for an evening of music and dancing. Superheroes don’t have to slip into their super tights, but those that do can compete for the titles of best male and female costumes.

In addition to magic bracelets and Infinity Gauntlets, residents will be sharing their

favorite appetizers, casseroles, finger foods, fruit or veggies. Bonterra will supply alcoholic “Joker Juice,” tea, lemonade and dessert for our hard-working heroes. It’s a night for super men and women, so no villains allowed.

Like many events, it is for Bonterra residents only, but we’d be more than willing to move just to attend!

In addition to parties, residents can participate in a variety of clubs including those for books, photography, pickleball, canasta, games, men’s coffee meetings and a club just for women. They stay in peak condition with aqua yoga, group exercise classes, bocce ball and health lectures. Doing half of what they do on a daily basis would leave us exhausted, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Are you 55+? Ready to live the active lifestyle you deserve as you enter your golden years? Fly into the Bonterra model home and experience center to find out more. We’ve got eight beautiful model homes ready to tour with a ninth on the way. Live the adventure of a lifetime at Bonterra!