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Neill Elementary Hits a High Note

Harvest Green - Neill Elementary Hits a High Note

August 17, 2018

Neill Elementary is only a year old, but already students are racking up the accolades, this time in the area of music. Members of the Rockin’ Longhorns are preparing to perform at the Texas Music Educators Association’s (TMEA) annual conference.

The Rockin’ Longhorns is the first campus-based elementary music program invited to perform at the premier state music educators’ conference. They will travel to San Antonio next February to perform before more than 30,000 conference attendees – including teachers, students, parents and music industry professionals from around the world.

It’s even more exciting when you consider that the group started off the school year as a choir and then switched to playing instruments just a few months before submitting their audition tape. Now that’s some serious dedication!

The Rockin’ Longhorns comprises approximately 40 students in grades 4-5. Those of you at the school’s dedication ceremony saw them perform, but they’ve also hit golden notes at the school’s holiday programs and Multi-Cultural Night. They’ve taken part in the Sugar Land Skeeters’ Holiday Lights and the Houston Livestock Show as well as the Rodeo’s Black Heritage Day.

We are so proud of our Longhorns and wish them well as they get ready for this exciting opportunity!