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McKinney ISD Makes the Grade

Trinity Falls - McKinney ISD Makes the Grade

September 06, 2018

Not many school districts received an overall “A” rating from the Texas Education Agency, but McKinney ISD was one of them.

Texas recently gave school districts their first official grades based on a new rating system designed to provide more transparency on how students perform.

Districts are graded on three categories: student achievement, school progress and closing the gaps. Letter grades are assigned to reflect how well their students perform on the state standardized tests and whether they are ready for college and careers (student achievement); how much students are improving on state tests (school progress); and how well schools are boosting scores for subgroups such as students with special needs and English language learners (closing the gaps). They also receive an overall grade.

McKinney ISD received an A rating for closing the gaps. Student achievement and school progress categories received a B. The overall grade for the district was an A.

We aren’t surprised. Our older students attend McKinney North High School, which was recognized with a silver medal on the 2018 “America’s Best High Schools” list published by U.S. News & World Report. The school is ranked among the top 100 in the state.

Younger scholars attend Naomi Press Elementary and Scott Morgan Johnson Middle School, both of which received top marks on the 2018 Niche.com list.

Congratulations to the teachers, students and staff of McKinney ISD and all of our wonderful schools. We are proud to have our students zoned to this incredible district.