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Take a Hike on Nov. 17

Trinity Falls - Take a Hike on Nov. 17

November 12, 2018

Celebrate National Take a Hike Day on Nov. 17 with, what else? A hike. The McKinney area is filled with beautiful places to roam, including our own B.B. Owen Park. The park is open to non-residents, but if you happen to be lucky enough to live in Trinity Falls, you can participate in a guided tour of our most beautiful amenity. 

If you aren’t a resident you can still visit B.B. Owen Park (don’t forget to hike up to our gorgeous model homes) or spend the day exploring some of these beautiful trails found around McKinney.

Heard Science Museum and Wildlife Sanctuary
1 Nature Place, McKinney
Nature at its most beautiful can be found on the 6.5 miles of trails winding through this 289-acre wildlife sanctuary. Discover diverse habitats including tall grass prairie, bottomland hardwood and limestone escarpment as well as many species of birds, insects and animals.

Erwin Park
4300 CR 1006, McKinney
The largest park in McKinney spans 212 acres of wooded trails, picnic pavilions and overnight camping areas. If you would rather ride than hike, there are also seven miles of mountain bike trails.

The Wilson Creek Hike and Bike Trails
2996 Virginia Pkwy., McKinney
This 5-mile long system of connected paved trails is located along Wilson Creek as it winds through the middle of McKinney. The trails run through the natural area along the waterway and connect several parks including Bonnie Wenk Park where you will find paved loops and a dog park. 

The Crape Myrtle Trails of McKinney
6452 Collin McKinney Pkwy, McKinney
Crape myrtles are a part of McKinney history. You will find the lovely trees all over the city, but a great place to see and learn about them is The Crape Myrtle Trails of McKinney, which includes the 7-acre World Collection Park where you can compare all of the known varieties of crape myrtles.