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Conroe ISD School Bond on Ballot for May

Grand Central Park - Conroe ISD School Bond on Ballot for May

February 15, 2019

Conroe ISD trustees approved a bond election that will speed along renovations for Conroe High School if it passes on May 4.

Grand Central Park scholars attend Conroe High School, which currently has a separate ninth-grade campus. Renovations to the school began as the result of the passage of a 2015 bond. Passage of the new $807 million bond package will help complete the process and expand the school so that the separate campus will no longer be necessary.

In addition, the bond package will provide funds for constructing new schools in the Conroe, Grand Oaks and Caney Creek high school feeder zones as well as improvements to existing campuses, future land purchases and safety and security upgrades.

The bond referendum is needed to address CISD’s growing student population.

According to data from Population and Survey Analysts demographics study, CISD has grown by more than 15,000 students over the past decade, and it estimated the district would reach 76,000 students by 2028.

In the last 10 years, voters approved two bonds that enabled the district to build 12 new schools, construct major renovations and additions at existing schools and invest in safety, security and technology.

The bond’s impact is expected to be a 1-cent property tax rate increase for the 2019-20 year, with a maximum of a 3-cent increase over the life of the bond.

Mark your calendars now and be sure to get out and vote!