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Sit A Spell on Our Rocking Chair

Veranda - Sit A Spell on Our Rocking Chair

April 02, 2019

In April, we’re inviting the public to come out to Veranda and sit a spell on our giant rocking chair art installation.

The beautiful white chair symbolizes the comfortable, neighborly vibe of our exceptional community. It’s also the perfect setting for Instagram-worthy photo fun.

Imagine the captions! How about a picture of your kids with the caption “It’s not what’s on the table that matters, it’s what’s on the chairs!” Or a picture of your honey “in the hot seat.” No matter your caption, we’re certain you’ll “chair-ish” these photos for years to come. And don’t forget to tag us on social media. We want to see your pictures, too.

After your photo shoot, spend some time touring our 13 gorgeous model homes. They will be open all month long for Houston’s Largest Home Tour. This inspiring tour invites you to explore models, move-in ready homes and special events throughout 13 Johnson Development communities.

In our community, you can help us celebrate our birthday from 12-2 p.m. Saturday, April 27. We’ll have cake, ice cream, hot dogs, games and more. Register online for a free food ticket.

You can find the location of our pop-up art here. Learn more about the home tour here.