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Tompkins High School Ranks Among Nation’s Elite

Cross Creek Ranch - Tompkins High School Ranks Among Nation’s Elite

May 07, 2020

What does a topnotch high school look like?

A lot like Katy ISD’s Tompkins High School.

Tompkins is ranked among the nation’s top 3 percent of high schools on the recently released U.S. News & World Report Best High Schools list. It came in at No. 588 among the 17,790 traditional, magnet and charter schools that were ranked. In Texas, Tompkins is No. 81 among the 1,485 high schools in the state that were assigned a ranking.

Tompkins earned an impressive 96.7 on its scorecard, with students showing a 93 percent proficiency in both reading and math, according to STARR end-of-course testing. Sixty-six percent of students took at least one AP exam, with 59 percent passing at least one of the tests. Tompkins’ graduation rate stands at 98 percent.

With data gleaned from the U.S. Department of Education, statewide data, the College Board (for Advanced Placement data) and International Baccalaureate (IB), the rankings were based on performance in six areas:

  • College readiness
  • Reading and math proficiency
  • Reading and math performance
  • Underserved student performance, college curriculum breadth
  • Underserved student performance
  • Graduation rate

Tompkins opened in 2013 and offers a comprehensive curriculum that includes fine arts, athletics, journalism, business, technology and an assortment of career-oriented fields. Learning happens in a collaborative, innovative environment where students can grow and develop skills for leadership and critical thinking. Optimist, trust, honor and scholarship are all valued traits encouraged among Tompkins Falcons.

Cross Creek Ranch students who will be juniors and seniors in the 2020-21 school year will continue to attend Tompkins High School even after Jordan High School opens in Cross Creek Ranch this August. Jordan High School will be the newest Katy ISD high school campus, initially serving ninth and 10th grade students.