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Helping Your Kids Settle In

Veranda - Helping Your Kids Settle In

September 09, 2020

Moving is tough on adults, but it can be even tougher on kids. Not only are they getting used to a new house, they have a whole new neighborhood to navigate. It’s especially difficult now given that many schools are online and social distancing rules make it hard for kids to meet new friends. Here are some ways to help your kids settle in.

Take a Tour

Your new home in Veranda may still be under construction, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get your kids used to their new neighborhood before the move. Spend some time exploring your new street or neighborhood with the kids. Walk to the park or the amenity center. Discuss what you will do first when you move in. Check on the progress of your new home as it is being built to create excitement about the move.

Unpack Your Kids’ Rooms First

Set up your kids’ rooms first. The sooner they see their stuff, the more comfortable they will be. If you can, point out things that make the new room better than the old one such as a box window seat, bigger closet or the fact they don’t have to share rooms.

Keep Them Connected

Keep your kids connected to their old friends. If you haven’t moved too far away, plan some playdates (safely). If you are moving out of state, let the kids talk via Facetime or Zoom. Write letters. Send care packages with fun items that represent the state you moved to. They will settle easier if they know they can still contact their besties.

Find an Activity

Getting your kids involved in a local club or activity will go a long way toward helping them feel comfortable. Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts, gymnastics, karate or soccer — whatever they enjoy, sign them up. Many places are offering socially distant classes that might allow them to meet new kids and make friends.

Point Out Their New School

Hopefully, kids will start in-person classes soon but before they do, drive by their new school. Point out the playground, gym and cafeteria. See if their new teacher is willing to talk to them via Zoom outside of class so your child feels comfortable when they meet in person.

Participate in Community Activities

Veranda offers many activities for kids online, as well as some socially distanced events. It’s a great way for new kids to meet their neighbors. When it is safe to do so, plan to attend the numerous children’s activities planned by our lifestyle director.