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Tips for Running a Virtual 5K

Grand Central Park - Tips for Running a Virtual 5K

October 29, 2020

If you are like many Grand Central Park residents, you are gearing up to run at least one virtual race this year. In our case, it’s the 11th annual CASA Child Advocates Superhero Run, which we are proud to sponsor.

Once you’ve signed up, what’s next? We have some tips to help you get ready for your personal race day.

What is a Virtual Race?

A virtual race is just what it sounds like. A remote race that allows runners to race on their own course within a set window of time. Some, like the CASA Superhero Run, have a two-month window (the race ends Nov. 21). Others ask you to run your race on a particular day. Once you’ve run, you simply upload your finishing time.

Set a Goal

With a regular race, your goal is simple — to get across the finish line. With a virtual race, there is no finish line and no cheering crowds (there could be, but we will get to that later). Setting a goal helps you to stay motivated. Your goal could be to improve your time over the last physical race you’ve run or just run the entire distance without walking.

Set a Course

You can run anywhere you want — the park, trails, the local high school track or even your treadmill. The important thing is to set up a course that is right for you. Runners World suggest four different course types and apps that work well for virtual race runners and creating playlists so your treadmill run isn’t boring.

Run With Others?

Races have gone virtual to prevent the spread of COVID but that doesn’t mean you have to run alone. Enlist family members to be your running partners. You can even give out awards at the end of the race. If your family would rather cheer you on, consider running with a virtual buddy. Call a friend and talk to them while you run together.

Get Your Cheering Squad Together

All runners need someone cheering them on. Tell your friends and family members that you are running the race and let them know specifics such as the route, date and time you will be running. That way, they can line your route from a safe distance and cheer you on.

When the Time is Right

One advantage of a virtual race is that you won’t have to get up early in the morning to run. Choose the time of day that works best for you. If the weather is bad on the day you want to run, choose another day.

Have Fun

When it comes to a virtual race, you want it to feel different from a regular training day. Stash water bottles and trail mix along your route to mimic fueling stations. You can either put those items under a bush or rock or have friends and family standing there to feed you and cheer you on. Wear your kit or the race t-shirt. Set up a start and finish line (complete with a tape to break) and don’t forget to have an after party with your family!

There’s Still Time To Be a Superhero

Registration for the CASA Superhero Run is ongoing so there is still time to don your cape and help neglected children. Join forces with Grand Central Park and unleash your inner superhero today. For more information and to sign up visit https://casaspeaks4kids.com/newsandevents/superherorun/.