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LCISD to Break Ground on Maxine Phelan Elementary in Veranda

Veranda - LCISD to Break Ground on Maxine Phelan Elementary in Veranda

June 28, 2021

In just over a year, there will be some young Veranda students walking or biking to a brand new school — one located in Veranda.

Construction of Maxine Phelan Elementary is slated to begin this month, with a planned opening of August 2022, according to Lamar Consolidated Independent School District. On a 15.83-acre site along Great Blue Heron Lane in Veranda, Maxine Phelan Elementary School will encompass more than 95,000 square feet, with several outdoor play areas in gated yards. The $32.6 million school was part of the district’s 2017 bond package.

The school is named after Maxine Phelan who taught English at Lamar Consolidated High School from 1971-2003. In 2019, Rosenberg Mayor Bill Benton declared April 30 as Maxine Phelan Day in honor of her steadfast commitment to educating her students, pushing them to exceed expectations.

Currently, Veranda students attend Hutchison Elementary, the sixth-grade-only Wessendorff Middle School, Lamar Junior High School and Lamar Consolidated High School.

The fast-growing Lamar CISD has made a commitment of smaller campus enrollments — especially at the high school level. It aims to maintain its plan of sixth-grade-only middle schools to ease the transition from elementary to junior high. Recently, the district was honored with a Best Communities for Music Education designation for a second consecutive year by The NAMM Foundation.