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Introducing Our New Director of Fun!

Veranda - Introducing Our New Director of Fun!

August 20, 2021

The person in charge of fun in Veranda — we like to call him our “Director of Fun” — knows all about fun and a whole lot more! Meet Damien Pennington.

Damien hails from Victoria, and until we were lucky enough to find him (Damien started as assistant lifestyle director back in February), he was working in the concierge industry in downtown Houston. A love of helping people build relationships and making a difference in people’s lives fueled his move to Veranda and is what makes Damien so perfect for his job.

Damien also brings an artistic skillset to his role. Studying graphic design through an online program at University of Houston/Victoria, he enjoys light drawing and photography (two of his big tips for amateur photographers — get closer than you think and don’t be afraid to be silly). He also played tennis competitively for a few years, but these days gets most of his exercise walking his dog Cole, a lab/Shar Pei mix, and running around planning events for residents of Veranda.

On your next visit to Veranda, stop by The Cottage House to find out how Damien is creating memorable experiences for residents. After talking with him, we’re sure you’re going to want to visit a model home to learn how you can enjoy his next resident event.