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Abigail’s Place Rebuilds Lives

Cross Creek Ranch - Abigail’s Place Rebuilds Lives

December 07, 2021

In 2016, Shereen Sampson realized that single mothers who lost their homes due to no fault of their own had no place to go. She founded Abigail’s Place to offer their families a place to live while helping them get back on their feet.

The non-profit serves Fort Bend single mothers facing episodic homelessness. Episodic homelessness means that these mothers have experienced job loss, an illness, losing a family member who was the breadwinner or are fleeing domestic violence. These experiences have left them homeless.

Often families in this situation find themselves living in hotels or out of their cars. They may be couch surfing between family members and friends. Children living this transient lifestyle are affected emotionally and physically, suffering social isolation and getting left behind educationally.

Abigail’s Place helps a small number of these families each year by offering temporary housing in three shelters for up to four families. The fully furnished units have fenced backyards where children can play.

Mothers get help rebuilding their lives and becoming self-sufficient with services that include transitional housing, rental assistance to keep families in their current homes, security deposits to get families into long-term housing and short-term hotel stays until a long-term solution can be found.

You can help Abigail’s Place during the Cross Creek Ranch Give Back, Build Hope campaign. This month, if you purchase a new home in our community we will make a monetary donation to Abigail’s Place, Brookwood Community and Fort Bend PAWS.

Even if you aren’t planning to purchase a new home, you can provide much-needed items to any of these charities. Simply purchase an item on the organization’s wish list and drop it off at the Cross Creek Ranch Welcome Center, 6450 Cross Creek Bend Lane, during its designated month.

As an added bonus, if you purchase your new home in November or December, you will be entered into a drawing for $3,000.

Help Abigail’s Place rebuild lives, purchase your new home today.