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Go Local for the Holidays

Harvest Green - Go Local for the Holidays

December 07, 2021

Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday have come and gone. Did you cross everyone off your holiday shopping list? No? Not, to worry, there’s still time to find the perfect gift at your locally owned business. Why shop local? It’s good for your community. Here’s a list of reasons to support the smallest of small business this holiday season.

Shopping Small Pays Big Dividends

Purchasing goods and services from local businesses boosts the local economy. According to a recent report from Independent We Stand, for every $100 spent in Richmond, $68 will stay in the community. For every $100 spent at chain stores, only $43 will stay.

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Small business owners are your neighbors, friends and family. When you purchase from them you don’t just support their businesses, you support their dreams, help their families thrive and give back to the community.

Essential Services Get a Boost

Sales taxes support the City of Richmond. That includes the police department, fire department, parks department and road upkeep. The more tax dollars that stay in our community, the less the city has to rely on property taxes to fund these essential services.

It’s Good for the Environment

Small businesses don’t need to truck supplies in. They don’t need elaborate packaging. They don’t produce as much waste. All of that is good for the environment.

Everyone Knows Your Name

When you walk into a locally owned business, chances are the shop owner already knows your name. That’s because they live in the community. You’ll get better service, and no one will try to upsell you on products you don’t want or need.

You’ll Get Lots of Compliments

Local businesses sell unique items that can’t be found in big box stores. Sometimes, these items were handcrafted by the owner. Sometimes a local business owner comes across an up-and-coming brand no one has heard of yet. Display, wear or gift these items and you are sure to get a lot of compliments.

Where to Start?

 If you are ready to support local businesses but aren’t sure where to start, visit Think. Shop. Buy. Local. You can also browse local businesses twice a month at the Harvest Green Farmers Market. The market, located at 8939 Harlem Road, is open from 8 a.m. to noon on the first and third Saturdays of each month. Stop by to browse locally sourced produce, meats and artisanal goods while having fun.