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Grand Central Park - Coming Soon: Picnic ParkJanuary 25, 2022
Get out the blankets and fill up the hampers, Picnic Park is coming to Central Village in Grand Central Park. Our gorgeous new park will have everything families need to enjoy a balmy spring day. The large open lawn will have plenty of space for picnicking, Frisbee tossing and kite flying. A musical play area will keep kids entertained while adults catch up. Prefer to snooze? There will be hammocks. A harvest table will provide seating for family, friends and neighbors. Pavilion seating will be available for warmer-than-average days. Picnic Park is a great addition to Grand Central Park’s line up of amenities, including Trillium Park, Mystic Pond and Twilight Park. Our parks and playgrounds are easily accessible via paved pathways and nature trails. If you want to go off the beaten path, we’ve got beautiful, natural hiking trails that will take you to our lakes for fishing and kayaking. Visit Grand Central Park today to learn about Picnic Park and our other amazing amenities. |